Edmund Blunden and Japan: The History of a Relationship by Sumie Okada PDF

By Sumie Okada

ISBN-10: 1349094676

ISBN-13: 9781349094677

ISBN-10: 1349094692

ISBN-13: 9781349094691

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Why question so often? Why rob me of my peace? Have I not shown you my spirit, made you the receiver of my intimate ideas, entrusted to you the desires of my heart? but even giving a half-serious promise of marriage: Jan. 171927 In case I should ever marry a second time I should in all likelihood marry Aki. Edmund Blunden. Their Christmas break in Ikaho was rather like a honeymoon, though it was a secretive affair given its disregard for conventional behaviour. After the break Aki settled in the Kikufuji Hotel, and started sharing her life with Blunden, who was adamant that Aki should take no notice of malicious gossip in the hotel, which would soon dissipate.

Whatever 'measured syllables he resounded', his wishes seem to have been fulfilled, because he achieved remarkable success as a teacher certainly 'enchanting the live gems from the unknown abyss' - the minds and hearts of the Japanese- if not in the Coleridgean way as described in this poem. In 1927, shortly before leaving Japan, Blunden was still humble about his success and apologetic for his 'incompetence'. Forgive what I, adventuring highest themes, Have spoiled and darkened, and the awkward hand That longed to point the moral of man's dreams But shut the wicket-gates of fairyland: So by too harsh intrusion Left colourless confusion.

Most of the poems contained in this volume are descriptive, as, for example, his account of carpenters at work on the frames of the Library of Tokyo University. Like men of fire, in painful night, The Eastern builders thud An iron round, wild bubbles of light From Babel's angels scud. The hammer's fierce brain-battering shout In bursts of power rebels, Puts unheard melodies to rout, Drowns heaven's songs and bells. In vain, it serves their quiet will, It builds them one more home East and West 41 Where nooks shall be most kind and still For the great Muse to come.

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Edmund Blunden and Japan: The History of a Relationship by Sumie Okada

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