Download e-book for iPad: Emerging Lesbian Voices from Japan by Sharon Chalmers

By Sharon Chalmers

ISBN-10: 0203220633

ISBN-13: 9780203220634

ISBN-10: 0203296273

ISBN-13: 9780203296271

ISBN-10: 0700717021

ISBN-13: 9780700717026

Lesbian Sexuality has remained mostly neglected in Japan regardless of expanding publicity of deprived minority teams, together with homosexual males. This booklet is the 1st finished educational exploration of up to date lesbian sexuality in jap society. the writer employs an interdisciplinary process and this ebook may be of significant price to these operating or drawn to the parts of eastern, lesbian and gender stories in addition to eastern historical past, anthropology and cultural stories.

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These two phrases are also supposed to represent a comparison between the anus and vagina with pots and pans (Cherry 1987: 115) and a pun on the word onna (woman). In Chapter 2 I discussed the recognition of female same-sex desire with the introduction of compulsory education for girls. These relationships were designated with the letter ‘S’ connoting ‘sister’, ‘sex’ or sho-jo- (prepubescent girl). Jennifer Robertson asserts that these relationships came under the category of do-seiai and were portrayed as non-sexual and ‘innocent’ (Robertson 1998a: 68).

All the women I talked with were involved in different ways and to differing degrees in issues relating to their sexuality on a daily basis. To assume this lived and acquired knowledge is somehow Identifying the lesbian in contemporary Japan 37 beyond or outside ‘real’ women’s understandings is highly problematic and therefore I have no intention of characterising them as either anomalous or in opposition to mainstream notions of what it is to be a ‘real Japanese woman’. Nevertheless, their choice of sexual identifications does need to be understood within an historical context of Japanese socio-linguistic meanings particularly given the negative and exclusionary techniques that have been employed over the past hundred years.

It’s like that here too. (Longinotto and Williams 1993) The decision on the allocation of secondary gender, which takes place in the form of both masculine and feminine, and often racialised re-constructions, is generally made on the basis of the physical appearance of the girl and to some extent on the individual’s personal preference. Nevertheless, otokoyaku are usually taller, have deeper voices and ‘exude kosei (charisma) which is disparaged in “females”’ (Robertson 1992a: 171). ’ In addition, many of the Takarazuka productions are based on classic Western works and the actor’s physical appearance is grounded in a re-invention of foreign ‘maleness’ and ‘femaleness’.

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Emerging Lesbian Voices from Japan by Sharon Chalmers

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