ISBN-10: 0759123624
ISBN-13: 9780759123625
The Inca Empire existed for fewer than a hundred years, but governed extra topics than both the Aztecs or the Maya and occupied a territory stretching approximately 3000 miles. The Incas left no process of writing; what we all know of them has been gleaned from the archaeological checklist and bills written following the Spanish invasion. during this A-to-Z encyclopedia, Gary Urton and Adriana von Hagen, including over thirty individuals, offer a huge advent to the interesting civilization of the Incas, together with their settlements, tradition, society, celebrations, and achievements.
Following a extensive creation, 128 person entries discover wide-ranging topics (religion, structure, farming) and particular issues (ceremonial consuming cup, astronomy), interweaving ethnohistoric and archaeological study with nuanced interpretation. every one access presents feedback for additional studying. Sidebars profiling chroniclers and researchers of Inca life—ranging from José de Acosta and Cristóbal de Albornoz to Maria Rostworowski and R. Tom Zuidema—add intensity and context for the cultural entries. Cross-references, alphabetical and topical lists of entries, and an intensive index aid readers navigate the amount. A chronology, chosen bibliography, local map, and virtually 90 illustrations around out the amount. In sum, the Encyclopedia of the Incas presents a distinct, finished source for students, in addition to most people, to discover the civilization of the Incas—the biggest empire of the pre-Columbian New international.
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C bu to re he C lic k he k lic C w. 0 bu y rm er Y F T ra n sf o ABB PD er Y Galaxy sold over a quarter of a million copies. Douglas sent a note to booksellers when sales reached 185,000: "I can only assume that you have all been giving away pound notes with every copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, or possibly even sending press gangs out into the streets, because I have just been officially notified that the sales have now passed the point of being merely absurd and have now moved into the realms of the ludicrous.
ARTHUR:And what has happened to the Earth? FORD: It's been disintegrated. ARTHUR:Has it ? FORD: Yes, it just boiled away into space. ARTHUR:Look. I'm a bit upset about that. FORD: Yes, I can understand. But there are plenty more Earths just like it. ARTHUR:Are you going to explain that? Or would it save time if I just went mad now? FORD: Keep looking at the book. ARTHUR:What ? FORD: "Don't Panic". ARTHUR:I'm looking. FORD: Alright. The universe we exist in is just one of a multiplicity of parallel universes which co-exist in the same space but on different matter wavelengths, and in millions of them the Earth is still alive and throbbing much as you remember - or very similar at least - because every possible variation of the Earth also exists.
This made things much easier. Douglas, for his part, was nervous of changing producers so soon. But if on that second show (their first) they were wary of each other, they quickly discovered that, as far as putting the show together went, their minds worked very much on the same lines, complementing each other, and working well together. They also became good friends. Was there anything that Douglas had panicularly wanted to say during the first series of Hitchhiker's? "I just wanted to do stuff I thought was funny.
Encyclopedia of the Incas
by Donald