By Editor in Chief Deborah Carr
ISBN-10: 002866163X
ISBN-13: 9780028661636
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McNally Director NACDA Program on Aging University of Michigan ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES DATA SOURCES, LATER LIFE: GENERAL ISSUES QUALITY OF LIFE SUCCESSFUL AGING Ann Meier Assistant Professor Department of Sociology University of Minnesota RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY, ADULTHOOD Deborah Merrill Doctor Department of Sociology Clark University PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIPS, LATER LIFE Barret Michalec Department of Sociology Emory University COMMUNITARIANISM Steven J. Miller Sinclair School of Nursing University of Missouri AGING IN PLACE Steven Mintz Doctor Columbia University CULTURAL IMAGES, CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE LIFE COURSE AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTORS Phyllis Moen Department of Sociology University of Minnesota CAREERS DUAL CAREER COUPLES Kathryn Dawson Moneysmith Center for Human Resource Research DATA SOURCES, ADULTHOOD: NATIONAL LONGITUDINAL SURVEYS OF MATURE MEN AND WOMEN Bethany Morgan Department of Sociology University of Essex, UK GIDDENS, ANTHONY S.
Cash Emeritus Professor of Psychology Old Dominion University BODY IMAGE, ADULTHOOD George Cavalletto Adjunct Professor of Sociology Hunter and Brooklyn Colleges, City University of New York FREUD, SIGMUND Shannon E. Cavanagh Assistant Professor Department of Sociology and Population Research Center University of Texas at Austin AGE NORMS FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD Carole A. Campbell Doctor Department of Sociology STRUCTURE, CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE PUBERTY ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE LIFE COURSE AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Feinian Chen Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology North Carolina State University RESEARCH METHODS, CONCEPTS: CORRELATION VS.
Frisco Department of Sociology and Crime, Law and Justice Pennsylvania State University OBESITY, CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE Sylvia Fuller Assistant Professor Department of Sociology University of British Columbia JOB CHANGE Elizabeth Gage Department of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences Roswell Park Cancer Institute POLICY, HEALTH Claudia Galindo Postdoctoral Fellow Johns Hopkins University IMMIGRATION, CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE Leonid Gavrilov Center on Aging at NORC University of Chicago GENETIC INFLUENCES, LATER LIFE XXXVIII Natalia Gavrilova Center on Aging at NORC University of Chicago GENETIC INFLUENCES, LATER LIFE Sarah Gehlert Doctor Department of Comparative Human Development University of Chicago CANCER, ADULTHOOD AND LATER LIFE Linda K.
Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development, Volume 1: Childhood and Adolescence by Editor in Chief Deborah Carr
by Paul