By Herbert S. Strean
ISBN-10: 0876307373
ISBN-13: 9780876307373
First released in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa corporation.
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The neurotic person’s striving for superiority is primarily selfish and egocentric; the“ n o r m a l ”person strives for goals that are primarily social (Ansbacher & Ansbacher, 1956). ORGANIC INFERIORITY Evolving from his medical interest, Adler postulated that each individual, because of his or her constitutional predispositions, has organic deficits. He recognized that external demands and environmental conditions could Copyrighted Material Modifiers of Freud’s Personality Theory 29 induce stress in the organism, and the vulnerable organ would be the first site of maladaptation (Adler, 1927).
These are referred to as adaptive mechanisms or autonomous ego functions (Moore & Fine, 1990). For example, in reaction formation a youngster’s preoccupation with cleanliness that wards off wishes to soil may serve him or her in good stead with parents, teachers, and others. It may also build self-esteem and body image. THE TOPOGRAPHIC POINT OF VIEW In his 1915 paper entitled“ T h e Unconscious,”Freud (1915a) proposed the topographic point of view. This perspective refers to the conscious, preconscious, and Copyrighted Material 16 Essentials of Psychoanalysis unconscious states of mind.
According to Rank, the whole of childhood is needed to overcome the birth trauma, and neurotics are those who do not succeed. The primal anxiety emanating from the birth trauma is transferred to almost any person or object, yet unconsciously the child is merely expressing feelings of vulnerability because he or she is no longer comforted by the mother’s womb. Rank agreed with Freud that weaning and other developmental problems induce anxiety but alleged that all later anxieties are in many ways derived from the birth trauma.
Essentials Of Psychoanalysis by Herbert S. Strean
by Steven