Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley's Fairyland 1 : Activity Book PDF

By Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

ISBN-10: 1846795265

ISBN-13: 9781846795268

Fairyland to innowacyjna seria podrecznikow przeznaczonych dla uczniow klas od 1 do three szkoly podstawowej opracowana w oparciu o najnowsze osiagniecia metodyki nauczania jezykow obcych Wyczarowany na kartach podrecznikow magiczny swiat w ktorym elementy realistyczne lacza sie z fantastycznymi przejrzysta i uporzadkowana struktura kursu ogromna roznorodnosc cwiczen i unikalne komponenty sprawiaja ze seria Fairyland jest niezwykle przyjazna zarowno dla uczniow jak i nauczycieli Oryginalny temat wokol ktorego zaprojektowano kurs pozwala przyblizyc uczniom kulture brytyjska jej legendy i mity zaprasza do odkrywania swiata wrozek trolli i skrzatow Ta szczypta magii stwarza przestrzen do rozwijania wyobrazni oraz sklania dzieci do tworczego i efektywnego angazowania sie w proces uczenia Bohaterowie serii to mieszkancy Magicznego Lasu wrozka Erlina straznik Lasu drzewo o imieniu Willow i irlandzki skrzat Alvin Towarzysza im w przygotowanych dla najmlodszych uczniow Fairyland 1 i Fairyland 2 postaci o imionach Woody i Frosty drewniany chlopiec i balwanek W pelni kolorowy zeszyt cwiczen proponuje cwiczenia z elementami zabawy utrwalajace i powtarzajace fabric zawarty w kazdym rozdziale podrecznika Wycinanki naklejki i gry planszowe to tylko niektore z propozycji Ponadto w zeszycie cwiczen do podrecznika Fairyland three zamieszczono sztuki teatralne do inscenizacji a takze slowniczek obrazkowy My Pictionary

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Extra info for Fairyland 1 : Activity Book

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As any etymological dictionary will show, the word laik is Scandinavian in origin. 1 to play in Traditional Dialects Vikings over a thousand years ago. Thus twentieth-century dialects may still be able to tell us something about historical events even at some considerable time depth. More recent linguistic events can sometimes be seen to be illustrated even more clearly in dialect maps. 2, for instance, deals with an accent feature, the pronunciation of words like arm and four which have an r in the spelling before another consonant or at the end of the word (we already mentioned this feature briefly in Unit 4).

1 ARM AS AHM OR ARRM (SEE UNIT 6) As we saw in Unit 4, this consonant has been lost in most local accents in England and Wales. It still survives very strongly in Ireland, and is only now on the point of disappearing in rural East Anglia. But the only part of Britain where all local dialect speakers still retain the older pronunciation is Scotland, together with the northeast of England – this area includes towns such as Berwick, Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland and Hartlepool, and is made up of the counties of Northumberland, Durham, Tyne and Wear, and eastern Cumbria and northern Cleveland.

It is also very much under threat in the northwest of England, where only a small area of Lancashire, in and around Blackburn, continues the older pronunciation. And the area of southern England where the arrm pronunciation survives has been forced back towards the west. We can therefore use such dialect maps not only to tell us about the direction of change during previous generations. We can also use them to make predictions. The pronunciation of words like arm as arrm etc. will, we can suppose, very soon disappear from Kent, Surrey and Sussex altogether.

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Fairyland 1 : Activity Book by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

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