By Alexander Werth
ISBN-10: 140670671X
ISBN-13: 9781406706710
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Partly because its authorship was widely attributed to a high official at the Quai d'Orsay* Why did he write this article? The only plausible explanation was that the Government or certain members of the Government This article in the comment were anxious that French opinion should not become too worried about the developments in Germany. No doubt a kind thought, but a useless one; for this optimism was soon belied by the Berchtesgaden ultimatum to Schuschnigg. In this case, however, the Press tried again to be optimistic.
But what, it is asked, about France's And what about the allies, Poland and Czechoslovakia? League? If the new British Government pays only lip-service to the League and adopts Four-Power Pact methods must France follow which would amount to following the precepts of M. Flandin and other Right- Wing politicians? The repercussions of such a state of affairs, were it ever to come about, are incalculable. But the instinct of the great majority of French public opinion is that a Four-Power Pact And is Spain, policy, or anything like it, would be suicidal.
If not, But in that case, it will be a different them say so just as openly. a policy of retrenchment policy, a policy of weakness and abdication behind the Maginot Line. If that is your policy, say so, M. ' *If so, let let it would be called to-day, was good anti-Munich and M. Ybarn^garay stated the dilemma very clearly. All that, as stuff; many other men of the Right, he continued to entertain illusions about Italy: If we had not helped the Negus/ he said in effect, 'there would have been no Berchtesgaden Only, like ultimatum/ And he asked that France should send immediately an Ambassador to Rome.
France and Munich: Before and After the Surrender by Alexander Werth
by William