By John C. Farrell
ISBN-10: 0814726496
ISBN-13: 9780814726495
Freud's Paranoid Quest is a very broad-ranging and well-written book....Whether or no longer one is of the same opinion with convinced of his arguments and tests, one needs to recognize the notable intelligence that's displayed on approximately each page.
--Louis Sassauthor of insanity and Modernism and The Paradoxes of Delusion
John Farrell's Freud's Paranoid Quest is the main trenchant, exhilarating and illuminating booklet i've got encountered in lots of years. [The e-book] may be contemplated not only through all scholars of Freud's concept yet through every body who senses that 'advanced modernity' has through now outstayed its welcome.
--Frederick CrewsUniversity of California, Berkeley
In Freud's Paranoid Quest, John Farrell analyzes the character and considered Sigmund Freud as a way to supply perception into modernity's paranoid personality and into the genuine nature of Freudian psychoanalysis. John Farrell's Freud isn't the path-breaking psychologist he claimed to be, however the fashioner and prisoner of a complete approach of suspicion. the main proficient of paranoids, Freud deployed the program as a self-heroizing fable and a compelling old ideology.
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Al l pleasures , al l happines s must b e delaye d i n anticipatio n o f a n idea l future . Wit h th e triump h o f religious consciousness , humankin d ha d achieved , accordin g t o Freud , a truly heroi c leve l o f renunciation . In th e passag e o n th e 'firs t epi c poet ' tha t I hav e jus t discussed , Freu d mentions tha t th e heroi c for m o f mythologica l consciousnes s instigate d b y the poe t cam e lon g befor e th e 'natur e myth' . Th e 'natur e myth ' i n questio n was animism , whic h Freu d ha d earlie r place d alongsid e heroi c mytholog y as th e mos t primitiv e socia l for m o f narcissisti c thinking .
H e thu s regain s th e leve l o f th e social i n imagination . Thi s i s th e secre t o f hi s success . Bu t give n tha t th e artist's succes s depend s upo n disguisin g th e privat e t o imitat e th e social , i t is obviou s tha t psychoanalysis , whic h unmask s thi s secret , stand s i n a somewhat hostil e relatio n t o art . The artist , th e scientist , an d th e paranoi d stan d a s th e las t thre e incarna tions o f th e father-hero , th e sol e representative s o f th e heroi c t o surviv e i n the intellectua l regim e o f moder n culture .
Bu t onc e thi s argument ha s bee n proposed , i t too , o f course , mus t b e ascribe d t o irratio nal, unconscious , an d uncontrollabl e motives , thu s servin g a s it s ow n refutation. Th e reductionis t establishe s a for m o f inquir y tha t ca n hav e brilliant result s a s lon g a s i t i s applie d t o th e discours e o f others . Bu t i t cannot kee p fro m turnin g bac k upo n itself . I t constantl y encounter s a single stubbor n exception : lik e th e origina l Narcissus , i t canno t escap e th e reflection o f it s ow n image .
Freud’s Paranoid Quest: Psychoanalysis and Modern Suspicion by John C. Farrell
by Edward