Download e-book for iPad: Genetically Yours: Bioinforming, Biopharming, and Biofarming by Hwa A. Lim

By Hwa A. Lim

ISBN-10: 9810249381

ISBN-13: 9789810249380

This examine covers key elements within the box of biotechnology, with themes starting from genome tasks, via animal and human cloning, to biowarfare. the writer provides firsthand debts from either the clinical and the company viewpoint. The paintings is addressed basically to specialists and execs who're very busy yet who desire to achieve insights via a unique and entire point of view of this significant box. it's also aimed toward laypeople who're attracted to studying extra approximately bioinformatics, and the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and healthcare industries. every one bankruptcy is self-contained and footnotes supply additional references for readers.

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Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA 16. Washington University Genome Sequencing Center, St. Louis, MO, USA The previous mapping effort did not completely go to waste. The public's mapping program had already broken the 3-billion-letter genome into fragments corresponding to the 24 chromosomes. This enabled them to distribute the work among the sixteen public sequencing centers, and adopted a hierarchical shotgun strategy, a complementary strategy to the whole-genome shotgun of Celera Genomics.

The smaller pieces are then cloned thousand of times. Technicians add in As, Ts, Gs, and Cs to match up with the strand under study. Done enough number of times, a fragment of every possible length will be created. The end of each fragment is tagged with a fluorescent dye. These fragments are put into a machine to sort them by size using a process called electrophoresis. In the electrophoretic process, smallest strand reaches a laser detector first, followed by one that is one bp longer, and so forth.

Such comparisons may shed light that the gene may be involved in making a certain type of protein. To confirm these hunches, fashion drugs and therapies, researchers may have to spend months or years in laboratories working with comparable genes in a model organism (mouse for example). If the experiment with model animals pans out, researchers may move on to do clinical trials on humans. 5 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms At the genetic level, humans differ from one another at the rate of one letter in every thousand in the book of life.

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Genetically Yours: Bioinforming, Biopharming, and Biofarming by Hwa A. Lim

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