Ronald G., II Eriksen, Roger George Erikson's Getaway - Driving Techniques for Escape and Evasion PDF

By Ronald G., II Eriksen, Roger George Erikson

E-book by way of Eriksen, Ronald G., II, Erikson, Roger George

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Three junk cars should run you no more than $300, maybe less if you tell the junkyard man that you will return the cars when you are done. Practice the ramming and vehicle attack techniques until the cars are totalled and won't run any more. Practice the cornering techniques with your own car. You should also practice the bootlegger's and moonshiner’s turns in your own car once or twice just to get the feel of it. Practice driving fast on interstate highways. I have driven as fast as 140 mph on the interstates.

When they do, you can ambush them. Never give up when attacked. Violent criminals and terrorists almost always kill their victims. Even those few people who are held hostage and then released usually require some kind of psychological care after their ordeal. Some have even become permanent basket cases. A Useful Maneuver Figure 16 shows a maneuver which will lose almost any pursuer. By cutting just in front of traffic coming in opposing lanes, you make it almost impossible for anyone to follow.

It is also one of the few that is not sympathetic to terrorists. , Pasadena, CA. 1981. A worthwhile book. Among other things, it contains plans for making a pressurized oil slick and smoke screen. DRIVING IN COMPETITION by Alan Johnson, WAV. Norton & Company, New York. 1971. COMPETITION DRIVING by Gerry Marshall, W. , New York, 1979. These are by far the best books written on racing. The first book is particularly strong on the fundamentals. The latter is for more advanced drivers.

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Getaway - Driving Techniques for Escape and Evasion by Ronald G., II Eriksen, Roger George Erikson

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