New PDF release: Green Tea (Fourth Book in the Tea Series)

By Sheila Horgan

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My way of thinking a little sideways. Who in their right mind would compare a Catholic and a crack head? With my confidence returning, probably unreasonably, I jumped in the shower for one of my famous five-minute quickies. If you’re going to be heralded for a quickie, best it should be a shower, not, well, moving on; out of the shower I put on some jeans and a t-shirt, braided my hair. I need to call Jovana, the lovely woman who started out simply sharing studio space with AJ and has quickly become a part of the family.

Normally I have the TV on for background noise, but the lightening’s hitting so hard and fast that chances are good I’m gonna loose power a few times before the night is over. I’m always worried about my TV blowing up, so when big storms hit I unplug that puppy. I’ve got a Zap Cap on the electric meter outside because it’s supposed to be a really good surge protector and I’ve got everything plugged into surge protection inside, but a couple of years ago I was at my parent’s house, when lightening hit the house down the street.

I haven’t decided if my hair should go up or down but I can do that last minute. I thanked Mr. UPS and opened the box with Teagan’s dress of choice. The dress looked a little flimsy. Trust Teagan to go all sexy on me. She has the body to be sexy. I prefer classic. She swears that means matronly. I disagree. I pulled the dress out of the box and almost had a heart attack. First, she spent a fortune. Second, the thing is completely see through. Completely. But, she did get the color right. I have blue eyes, and there’s this one shade of blue, kind of a mix between sea blue and teal blue, but in a really deep tone and when I wear it my eyes pop, my complexion looks flawless and my hair is shiny.

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Green Tea (Fourth Book in the Tea Series) by Sheila Horgan

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