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The Lady Oshún spoke about a long-ago village, about Mati’s mother Fela, and father, Imo . ”33 Trauma, Magic, and Genealogy O 33 In increasing control of her inherited magical abilities, Mati is able to wrest the plantation house of its master, who was her father, from the unprincipled neighboring landowners and the priest who had attempted to steal it from her. She does this by using her magic—which in the book’s conceit, as we see from the passage just quoted, is intuitive rather than learned—to make these enemies fall ill to the point of death.
4 That is, the individual may find him or herself in the process of what trauma theorists call reenactment. This compulsion to reenact the original trauma puts the traumatized individual at risk for continued psychic trauma. Traumatic memory, then, tends to be fragmentary and repetitive, and tends to hold the full experience of the trauma at bay so that it ultimately is not well integrated into the rest of the individual’s memory and experience. This happens because the traumatic experience is so difficult, painful, and often horrific, that it cannot be assimilated at once.
Xuela believes as strongly in the appearance of the woman in the water as the slaves do in Macandal’s survival in The Kingdom of this World. And in Kincaid’s book, as in Carpentier’s, the magical is associated with a kind of naturalism that reflects organicity and authenticity. Macandal starts to develop as a Voudoun priest of great power when, after losing an arm in the grinders of a sugarcane mill, he starts to notice Caribbean animals and plants he had never seen before. The plants become the materials for his spell making and his concoction of the poisons that start his revolt.
Hadron Structure and Modern Spectroscopy
by Ronald