Download e-book for kindle: Hasegawa Nyozekan and Liberalism in Modern Japan by Tacoma Mary L. Hanneman University of Washington

By Tacoma Mary L. Hanneman University of Washington

ISBN-10: 1905246498

ISBN-13: 9781905246496

This new in-depth examine of Hasegawa Nyozekan (1895-1969) examines his existence and highbrow contributions as a pre-eminent liberal reformer via his position as a journalist and social critic, relatively in pre-war and wartime Japan.

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Conversation with Tanaka Hiroshi, July 29, 1987. According to Kenneth B. Pyle in a conversation on June 26, 1991, Nyozekan’s Odawara house was a country villa originally owned by Yamagata Aritomo. That Nyozekan would inhabit the house of Yamagata, the chief architect of the Meiji military, is somewhat ironic. , Hasegawa Nyozekan: Hito, jidai, shiso to chosaku mokuroku, (Tokyo: Chuo Daigaku, 1985) 225. Tanaka, “Senchu, sengo o ikinuite,” 325. ), Nyozekan Hachioso taidan, (Tokyo: Sogo tosho, 1967).

Fletcher, The Search for a New Order, 111. Tanaka, “Senchu, sengo o ikinuite,” 318. Yamaryo, “Aru jiyushugi janarisuto,” 332. Kiyosawa Kiyoshi, Ankoku nikki: Sho¯wa junananen, jugatsu kokonotsu – nijunen gogatsu itsutsu, (Tokyo: Hyoronsha, 1980) entry for May 1, 1944, 313. Sera, Hasegawa Nyozekan, 123. Kiyosawa, Ankoku nikki, entry for April 3, 1945, 620; entry for July 19, 1944, 351. Hasegawa Nyozekan, “Maruzen to watakushi no rokujunen,” Gakuhatsu, 49:1 (January 1, 1952). Takashima, Gendai chisei zenshu, vol.

Tanaka, “Senchu, sengo o ikinuite,” 320. Sera, Hasegawa Nyozekan, 136. Oya Soichi, “Hasegawa Nyozekan no mittsu no kao,” Sandei Mainichi (November 11, 1969) 155. , “Zadankai: Nihonjin o susumubeki michi,” Kaizo, (October 1, 1951) 48–63, esp. 60–1. Omori Isamu, “Hyaku-sai,” Hasegawa Nyozekan senshu geppo, vol. 1 (October 1969) 3–4. Conversation with Tanaka Hiroshi, July 29, 1987. According to Kenneth B. Pyle in a conversation on June 26, 1991, Nyozekan’s Odawara house was a country villa originally owned by Yamagata Aritomo.

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Hasegawa Nyozekan and Liberalism in Modern Japan by Tacoma Mary L. Hanneman University of Washington

by Kenneth

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