By Daniel Berthold-Bond
ISBN-10: 0887069568
ISBN-13: 9780887069567
E-book via Berthold-Bond, Daniel
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In general, we may say that subjectivity is what accounts for the fact that substance is not an inert being, a simple, undifferentiated "is-ness;' but on the contrary a being which has within it an impulse to development, to expression, to becoming. The above quotation from the Preface to the Phenomenology is followed by a description of this dynamic nature of substance. The living substance is being which is in truth subject, or what is the same, is in truth actual in so far as it is the movement of positing itself, ...
This is accounted for by Aristotle, since the completion of process is essential to his teleology, and it is this which Hegel finds missing in Heraclitus. Hegel himself asserts his independence from the subjective idealism of Fichte largely on these grounds. He acknowledges that Fichte's notion of becoming is not one of sheer flux without any principle of unity - any more than Heraclitus's is. For Fichte posits the unity of the ego as a synthetic "connective tissue" of things and events. 32 But, Hegel argues, there is no provision for the completion of the process of becoming in Fichte, for the consummation of the development of things and our knowledge of things.
54 A more common attitude is that one of the two systems is clearly superior, the other being even absurd or "repugnant" to common sense. Schopenhauer, for example, says that "true philosophy must at all costs be idealistic; indeed it must be so merely to be honest:' 55 On the other side, thinkers in the realist camp have shown an equally vituperative attitude. Reichenbach, for example, speaks of the idealist as suffering from a kind of "emotional maladjustment," and goes on to say that "the symbol of the idealist is the man who resorts to daydreaming because he is unable to enjoy reality....
Hegel's Grand Synthesis: A Study of Being, Thought, and History by Daniel Berthold-Bond
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