Download e-book for iPad: Heidegger Memorial Lectures by Warner Marx

By Warner Marx

ISBN-10: 0820701548

ISBN-13: 9780820701547

E-book by way of Marx, Warner

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92 The poor, less well educated would almost certainly be the last to find out. Equally, it was not clear why the government should stop at legislation. What about the other roles and responsibilities of the government and the citizen? In January 1947, for example, the head of the COI, Robert Fraser, remembered a request from Morrison ‘that something should be done to explain the social purpose of taxation. 94 But their discussions illustrated that only once the government had committed itself to communication did the consequences of this commitment become apparent.

19 Vested interests undoubtedly also played a part in the recommendation. 21 These public relations advisors were naturally keen to hold onto their jobs and had no trouble justifying government information 20 The Origins of Modern Spin services. 22 Officials began to murmur about the growing public need for information and how that could only be satisfied by the continuation of the government’s information services. 23 Officials made sure they told their Ministers the same. ‘We feel it necessary’, Barlow wrote to Radcliffe, ‘to impress the value of M.

Planning and social welfare encouraged passivity, he suggested. ‘If they are not to lead to the Servile State they require the counterbalance of positive steps to foster initiative and responsibility among the workers – bolder steps than Socialist doctrine usually admits’. Davy asserted that there was an aspect of the Labour programme which had not yet been addressed. 9 The article confirmed for Morrison the urgency of his communications memorandum. He quickly had it drafted in order to send it to Ministers and officials on the Information Services Committees.

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Heidegger Memorial Lectures by Warner Marx

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