Download e-book for iPad: iPhone Location Aware Apps by Example: Beginner's Guide by Zeeshan Chawdhary

By Zeeshan Chawdhary

ISBN-10: 1849692246

ISBN-13: 9781849692243

Research every thing approximately situation dependent prone from notion to implementation within the genuine international. achieve extensive wisdom of the location-based global, utilizing genuine global examples. grasp the recent iOS five position Simulator to nice track your apps. enforce the simplest of the site APIs and SDKs to be had now and include them on your apps.

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Additional info for iPhone Location Aware Apps by Example: Beginner's Guide

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These labels are the placeholders for our location values retrieved from the device. 5. Next, add two Text Fields next to the labels defined above (one for holding the latitude value and the other for the longitude value). info The Xcoder's World 6. Lastly, add a Round Rect button and change the title to Detect Location. Your UI should like the following screenshot: 7. Now let's add the code to detect the user's location and add it to the latitude and longitude text fields added in step 5. 8. h and add the CoreLocationManager Delegate directive just after the Hello_LocationViewController class definition.

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For example, a Restaurant Search app on your iPhone would request location information when it loads, and you can change the location via the settings page of the app. In this way, the application pulls location information when needed and not continuously in the background. In the forthcoming chapters, we will be building apps by mostly using the Pull Services, including a local search app and an events app that will pull location information on demand and mash it with information retrieved via Web Services.

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iPhone Location Aware Apps by Example: Beginner's Guide by Zeeshan Chawdhary

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