By Robert Waska
ISBN-10: 1849407908
ISBN-13: 9781849407908
This ebook serves reasons. First, it offers the psychoanalyst or psychotherapist with a extra versatile approach to working towards psychoanalysis. this is often the medical strategy of "analytic contact", a technical stance within which extra sufferers might be reached in a deeper and extra worthy demeanour. Analytic touch is an operationally strong Kleinian technique for the genuine international of personal perform and ambitions the Read more...
pt. 1. mixed presecutory and depressive trauma --
pt. 2. Analytic touch in untraditional scientific events --
pt. three. Counter-trasference and the institution of analytic touch.
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WHEN SUFFERING NEVER ENDS 25 Omnipotent magical acts of reviving dead objects are destined to backfire, with the dead object now a zombie-like figure that can easily turn on its creator. Healthy depressive mourning and reparation include the restoration of attachment, but also acceptance of a now scarred and eternally changed object. Time does heal wounds, but scars remain. This is a concept too frightening to integrate for some patients, who feel that old wounds can easily open up again and lead to fatal infection.
So, we explored the manifestations of this in the transference in which he was initially very guilty if he was late or on occasion forgot to come, but quickly this shifted to a fear of my displeasure and even anger. In working with this transference anxiety, he discovered that he was locked into the same sort of relationship with his friends. ” Gradually, this insight led Frank to drop some of these P S Y C H OA N A LY S I S A S D E F I N E D B Y T H E C L I N I CA L S I T U AT I O N 17 friends and focus on the ones who seemed to respect him and who allowed him to be more himself.
As we explored his drug use, we found it to be a complicated issue. One aspect was his identification with his father. Another was drugs as a buffer between his paranoid and depressive phantasies regarding his father and other authority figures. Still another was the use of drugs as an emotional defence against the great anxiety he felt when wanting to strike out on his own and grow into his own person. This 18 TREATING SEVERE DEPRESSIVE AND PERSECUTORY ANXIETY STATES included learning to relate to others in a new way, without needing to take care of them, please them, or be frightened of them.
Treating severe depressive and persecutory anxiety states : to transform the unbearable by Robert Waska
by Kenneth