Download e-book for kindle: Identification of foreign armored vehicles, German, by U.S. War Department

By U.S. War Department

FM 30-42 1942 (OBSOLETE) uncomplicated box handbook, army intelligence. the aim of this guide is to function a advisor within the identity of overseas armored autos and comprises illustrations with explanatory facts relative to German, jap, Russian, and Italian armored automobiles.

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Suspension, type: Caterpil lar eight independent rol lers; eight small bogie wheels; four track support wheels. 19. Performance: Ground clearance: Climbs ——__° slopes. Negotiates vertical ob stacle — _ high. Crosses trenches ______ wide. Fords streams 3 feet 6 inches deep. 20. Remarks: The armor plating on this type of tank has been increased recently which should impair its Horizontal performance. engine with louvres at rear at each side of builtup hull. of PZ KW m. Vision: Ventilation: Communications: Radio.

Fords streams _— — - deep. 20 Remarks: Crew: Armament: Ammunition: Armor, thickness: Upper structure: Front: Sides: Turret: Vision: Ventilation: Communications: Dimensions: Length: Width: Height: Weight. Motor: Type: Cooling system: Horsepower: Horsepower per ton: 48 IDENTIFICATION OF FOREIGN ARMORED VEHICLES GERMAN ARMY STURMGESCHUTZ Top Front Bear Side 49 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE GERMAN ARMY 47-MM ANTITANK GUN ON SELF-PROPELLED MOUNT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Drive: Front sprocket. 13.

Weight: 22 tons. 11. Motor: Type: Cooling system: Horsepower: 350. 9. 6. 7. 8. 9. 38 IDENTIFICATION OF FOREIGN ARMORED VEHICLES GERMAN ARMY Front MEDIUM TANK PZ KW IV (PANZER KRAPTWAGEN IV) Bear MILITARY INTELLIGENCE GERMAN ARMY MEDIUM TANK CZD-V8-H (EX-CZECH) 1. Crew: Three or four (driver, commander, one or two gunners). 2. Armament: One 47-mm gun and one machine gun coaxially mounted in turret; one machine gun in hull, fore. 3. Ammunition: 90 rounds for 47-mm gun; 3,000 rounds for small arms.

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Identification of foreign armored vehicles, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian and French by U.S. War Department

by Paul

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