Download e-book for kindle: Instant Japanese by Boye Lafayette De Mente, Henk de Groot, Yasuko Tsuji

By Boye Lafayette De Mente, Henk de Groot, Yasuko Tsuji

ISBN-10: 0804833664

ISBN-13: 9780804833660

Rapid jap helps you to fast and simply meet humans, buy groceries, journey the subway, ask for instructions, order food and drink, and masses extra! This completely revised moment variation of Boye Lafayette De Mente's vintage, bestselling word ebook exhibits scholars and tourists tips to maximize their verbal exchange abilities. the belief is simple-learn a hundred phrases and say 1,000 issues. The trick is understanding which phrases to profit. This publication offers a uncomplicated vocabulary that may be used time and again. all the words are given in either general Roman and jap scripts. a quick consultant to pronunciation is helping you are saying the words safely. And an easy-to-use, 250 observe vocabulary record lets you translate from jap to English and vice-versa. Grammatical and cultural notes are awarded in transparent, available language.

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Example text

And so on. t>~'~£1tIv. Wakarimasen. (wah·kah-ree-mah-sen) 74 ban/bango (balm/bahn-go) number/numbers Iflv/ lflv<:'? There are two sets of numbers in Japanese. One set (made up of original Japanese terms) goes only from one through ten . The other sel, which was adopted from China. is complete. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JAPANESE NUMBERS V-I:? hitotsu (he-toe-t'sue) ~,,,, ? futatsu (fuu- tah-t'sue) .. -,? mittsu (meet-sue) J:-,? yottsu (yoot-sue) itsutsu (eat-sue-t'sue) muttsu (moot-sue) nanatsu (nah-nah-t'sue) yattsu (yaht-sue) kokonotsu (lwe-koe-no-t'sue) to (I.

Ee-tah-dah-kee-mahss) I receive, accept (the food, drink). ;;!! iIO-;. Mentioned earlier in the 100 Key Word Section as " I shall receive (something)," this term is used regularly just before beginning to eat or drink, especially when someone else is the host, and also by family members in their own home. It is a courteous expression of thanks and appreciation and, although it is not religious in nature, it has the same ritualistic feel as the saying of grace before a mea!. O-somatsu sarna. (oh·so-maht-sue soh-mall) It was nothing.

_ (We are ) three persons. ~ A.. I: A.. Sannin desu. : .. : .. "",A, ::::t: .. "",A, ", .. I: A.. - (We are) four persons. I: A.. Yonin desu. (yo-'Ieell dess) "'e-r-. 67 j u-ichi-ji (joo ee-chee jee) jfi-ni-ji (joo nee jee) nan-ji? }t,L; twelve o'clock what time? f~A,[;? [; .. v go-jikan (go jee-kahn) five hours, etc. :Iv ni-fun (nee-hoon) two minute 10 Jr. liA, ~ "s,1u f~f~;',A, (nah-fUlh-hoon) happun (hahp-poon) kyU-fun (cue-hoon) juppun (joo-poon) jii-ippun nan-jikan? (nahn jee-kahn) how many hours?

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Instant Japanese by Boye Lafayette De Mente, Henk de Groot, Yasuko Tsuji

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