Download e-book for iPad: Introduction to Business Statistics Sixth Edition by Ronald M Weiers

By Ronald M Weiers

ISBN-10: 0324650574

ISBN-13: 9780324650570

Textbook + strategies guide

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As you might expect, much of this text will be devoted to the concept and methods of inferential statistics. S. Department of Commerce, Statistical Abstract of the United States 2006, p. 729. , 2005 Summary Annual Report. 1 Descriptive Statistics • Members of Congress accepted 372 privately financed trips during the first half of 2006. [p. 7 billion. [p. 6% compared with the same period a year before. [p. S. 3 million units during the first quarter of 2006, up 17% over the first quarter of 2005.

13 In its computer records, the company might use “1” to identify residential customers, “2” for commercial customers, “3” for industrial customers, and “4” for government customers. Aside from identification, these numbers have no arithmetic meaning. The Ordinal Scale In the ordinal scale, numbers represent “greater than” or “less than” measurements, such as preferences or rankings. 2 13Source: Nominal Each number represents a category Ordinal Greater than and less than relationships Interval and Ratio and Units of measurement Entergy Corporation, 2005 Annual Report.

Each of the four scales has its own characteristics. 10 Part 1: Business Statistics: Introduction and Background Association of Tennis Professionals singles rankings for female tennis players:14 1. 2. 3. 4. , greater than, less than), but do not represent distances between objects. For example, we cannot say that the distance between Amelie Mauresmo and Kim Clijsters is the same as the distance between Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin-Hardenne. This is because the ordinal scale has no unit of measurement.

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Introduction to Business Statistics Sixth Edition by Ronald M Weiers

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