By William R. Nester
ISBN-10: 0312072511
ISBN-13: 9780312072513
ISBN-10: 1349116785
ISBN-13: 9781349116782
ISBN-10: 1349116807
ISBN-13: 9781349116805
An research of the way Tokyo entangles strategic nations and areas in an built-in in a foreign country political financial net, producing huge, immense wealth and tool for Japan.
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Article 3 of the law that established MIT! ' To these ends MIT! was authorised to establish an Industrial Policy bureau to devise 'policies and plans related to the overall supply and demand of goods . . related to commerce, mining, and manufacturing'. Johnson describes in detail some of the specific industriat policy tools MIT! and other ministries use to develop strategic industries: On the protective side, discriminatory tariffs, preferential commodity taxes on national products, import restrictions based on foreign currency controls, on the development side they include the supply of low interest funds to targeted industries through governmental financial benefits, exclusion from import duties of designated critical equipment, licensing of imported foreign technology, providing industrial parks for private businesses Trade Policy toward the Third World 37 through public investments, and administrative guidance by MITI and other ministries.
Bureaucratic protection and patronage. The end product of corporatized relations between 28 Japan and the Third World the state and interest groups is cooperation between the various parts of the public and private sectors in the pursuit of commonly agreed policy goals. Corporatism can also result . . in diminished levels of organizational autonomy, leading in some cases to subordination of interest groups to the bureaucracy. 3 In a corporatist system the state acts as not only a referee in policy issues, but determines who the major contenders will be in any policy, and is also a dominant actor itself in most issues.
3 per cent in the Middle East. 1s Thus, one-third of Japan's trade and investments are tied to North America, and over 60 per cent with the Pacific Basin as a whole. The twenty-first century may well be the 'Pacific century' dominated by Japan that many analysts predict. Foreign Policy and Policymaking 23 CONCLUSION Japan's neomercantilist foreign policy has been supremely successful. During the 1980s, Japan surpassed the United States to become the world's most dynamic power. In 1985, Japan became the world's banker and the United States the world's largest debtor nation; Japan now holds one-third of America's debt, giving Tokyo tremendous leverage over Washington.
Japan and the Third World: Patterns, Power, Prospects by William R. Nester
by Richard