By Massimo M. Augello
ISBN-10: 3642759998
ISBN-13: 9783642759994
ISBN-10: 3642760015
ISBN-13: 9783642760013
This e-book is the end result of a bibliographical study and historic research of the evolution of the foreign literature on J.A. Schumpeter. The study has been conducted within the previous couple of years with the organizational aid of the "International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society" and during the institution of connections with libraries, universities and learn institutes in the course of the global. Schumpeter's papers on the Harvard college information have additionally been scrutinized. the quantity incorporates a historic and demanding evaluate of the literature at the Austrian economist - in response to crucial and particular Schumpeterian "categories": biography, method, improvement, funds, cycle, sociology, politics, and historical past. The booklet is characterised by way of the completeness and richness of its details and through the homogeneous remedy of all of the attainable resources which may have supplied information on Schumpeter. in addition to Europe and the united states, the study has been prolonged to the USSR, Latin the United States, jap Europe and, in particular, to Japan the place the Schumpeterian culture is especially deep-rooted.
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Additional info for Joseph Alois SCHUMPETER: A Reference Guide
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Some economists, such as A. Marshall and T. Veblen, have been compared and contrasted to Schumpeter on a wide range of subjects, while considerations of the rest have been largely limited to specific aspects. Kondratieff, for example, has been evaluated with respect to the theory of business cydes; A. I. Lenin, regarding his theory of imperialism, and O. Bauer, for his role in Schumpeter's political experience. Worthy of a final consideration is the fact that such modest attention has been devoted to E.
He criticizes L. Robbin's (1930) evaluation of the zero-interest theory, maintaining that there is no logical inconsistency in Schumpeter's position, at least from the supply side. 15 See TAMURA, M. "Keizaigaku ni okeru jittai gainen to kankei gainen: Marx to Schumpeter" (1948, 209). 16 Testifying to the Japanese's in te rest in these aspects is the publication of two of Schumpeter's works in Japanese: Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt (in 1936, immediately following Schumpeter's trip to Japan) and one of his earliest methodological studies, Vergagenheit und Zukunft der Sozialwissenschaften.
M. "Joseph A. 1. Joseph Alois Schumpeter. A Bibliography, 1905-1984 (1985, 1599). 30 31 3' The influence of Schumpeter on Italian economists up to the late 30s is documented by REALFONZO, R. "Una "bibliografia ragionata" per 10 studio dell'influenza di Schumpeter sul pensiero economico italiano (1907-1939)" (1989, 1899). Notable in this regard are the following contributions: JESSUA, C. "Schumpeter (Joseph Alois) 1883-1950" (1979, 1005); MAERZ, E. "Schumpeter Joseph Alois (1883-1950)" (1979, 1010); HEERTJE, A.
Joseph Alois SCHUMPETER: A Reference Guide by Massimo M. Augello
by Edward