By Rosemary Thorp (eds.)
ISBN-10: 1349175544
ISBN-13: 9781349175543
ISBN-10: 1349175560
ISBN-13: 9781349175567
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Mass deportation of Mexican workers from the USA during the 1930s also added to the pool of mobile labour available in that country. Public policies went beyond those seeking short-term adjustment to outside shocks, and Latin American governments, whose attachment to laissez-faire was never particularly deep, became increasingly committed during the 1930s to promoting long-term growth and structural transformations. The Lazaro Oirdenas Administration (1934-40) accelerated the land reform programme of the Mexican Revolution, and in 1938 nationalised the petroleum industry.
As money wages in those countries appear to have followed price-level movements, when the decade is regarded as a whole the ratio of exchange rates to nominal wages also rose significantly. For the smaller or passive countries one may conjecture that there was no such rapid and large real depreciation of exchange rates. In the Caribbean and Central America the sharpest Depression-induced devaluation occurred in Costa Rica, with a smaller one occurring in El Salvador; other small countries maintained their pegs to the dollar or underwent monetary changes due to domestic turmoil.
PERFORMANCE Even in countries performing reasonably well during the 1930s, structural changes were more impressive than overall growth; during 38 Latin America in the 1930s that decade some economic activities stagnated or collapsed while others surged ahead. The former were generally associated directly or indirectly with external markets, while the latter typically involved domestic sales. Reactive countries on average performed better than passive ones, and in both types of nations some regions did much better than others.
Latin America in the 1930s: The Role of the Periphery in World Crisis by Rosemary Thorp (eds.)
by Paul