New PDF release: Latin at the Crossroads of Identity: The Evolution of

By Gábor Almási, Lav Šubaric

ISBN-10: 9004300171

ISBN-13: 9789004300170

Latin on the Crossroads of identification is an research as a lot of the premodern features of the Latin language as of the methods ethno-linguistic nationwide identities have been being built during the language debates of overdue eighteenth-, early nineteenth-century state of Hungary.

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Decsy, Pannóniai Féniksz avagy hamvából fel-támadott magyar nyelv. [Phoenix in Pannonia, or the resurrection of the Hungarian language] (Vienna 1790); S. Báróczy, A védelmeztetett magyar nyelv [In the defence of the Hungarian language] (Vienna 1790); Magyar Grammatika, mellyet készített Debreczenbenn egy magyar Társaság [A Hungarian Grammar, made by a Hungarian Society in Debrecen] (Vienna 1795); J. Kis, A magyar nyelvnek mostani állapotjáról [On the present state of the Hungarian language] (Pest 1806).

Ribiny, Oratio de cultura linguae Hungaricae ([Sopron] 1751); J. Hajnóczy, “Ratio proponendarum in comitiis Hungariae legum. Caput XII: De lingua (1790),” in A magyar jakobinusok iratai [The documents of Hungarian Jacobins], ed. by K. Benda (Budapest 1952−1957), 1: 61–88. When Language Became Ideology 33 with it as a foreign language, and secondly, they developed in Hungarian the rhetorical patterns after the Latin model and facilitated the writing of works in Hungarian which were before written in Latin.

Even in the Josephine decade, when the emperor tried to initiate an enormous linguistic reform by ordering the introduction of German as the official language instead of Latin, most 12 P. Wallaszky, Conspectus reipublicae litterariae in Hungaria ([Posonii et Lipsiae] 1785; [Buda] 1808); A. J. N. Horányi, Memoria Hungarorum et Provincialium scriptis editis notorum, vols. 1–3 ([Vienna] 1775–1777). 13 Hungarian only started to gain political importance towards the end of the eighteenth century when a new national ideology had spread among the politically active elites.

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Latin at the Crossroads of Identity: The Evolution of Linguistic Nationalism in the Kingdom of Hungary by Gábor Almási, Lav Šubaric

by Joseph

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