By Alain Badiou
ISBN-10: 2213676461
ISBN-13: 9782213676463
L. a. ebook des grab volumes du Séminaire d’Alain Badiou constitue un événement. Non seulement parce que, depuis 1966, los angeles renommée du Séminaire n’est plus à démontrer, mais aussi parce qu’il est le laboratoire de l. a. pensée du philosophe ; c’est dans ce cadre qu’Alain Badiou teste ses idées, les nourrit, les affute. Ces presque cinquante années de libre parole sont enfin et surtout un moyen d’accès privilégié pour les non-spécialistes à l’histoire de l. a. philosophie et à ses grandes figures tant le ton est vivant et le propos limpide.
Le Séminaire sur Lacan, tenu en 1994-1995, inaugure los angeles série. Alain Badiou y aborde l’œuvre de celui qui se qualifie lui-même d’« antiphilosophe » dans ce qu’elle a de radicalement nouveau, qui vient contrarier l. a. philosophie. Il montre à rebours remark los angeles philosophie, confrontée à l. a. psychanalyse, en a intégré les apports.
En cheminant à travers les controverses d’une époque, nous rencontrons avec bonheur les formules inventives et décisives de Lacan.
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Extra info for Le Séminaire - Lacan : L'antiphilosophie 3 (1994-1995)
Example text
On the contrary, I will undertake a reading o f Freud that will turn upon the elaboration of the notion o f the psychic event In order to facilitate a confrontation between Freudian thinking and the contemporary neurological thinking of the event, I will follow the path opened by the disciplinary formation of neuropsychoanalysis. 26 The scientists who work under the banner of neuropsychoanalysis uphold the necessity of returning to Freud without thereby eschewing the principle of the cerebral etiology o f mental disturbances.
O f course, in neuropathological cases, neuronal changes are the cause of psychic disorganization, whereas they are the consequence o f psychic disor ganization in cases o f sociopolitical trauma. Nonetheless, in all of these situations, the same impact of the event is at work, the same economy of the accident, the same relation between the psyche and catastrophe. N o t all traumas, lesional or sociopolitical, are always fortuitous, and there is never a simple relation between the “normal” interior o f the psyche and the violent irruption of an unpredictable exterior.
Nervous influx is understood to be a form of energy that streams through the neurons but is not engendered by them. ”7 This energy coming from outside is nothing other than the libido, “which can be excessive, insufficient, dammed up in one place, free-flowing in another. According to Freud, the different vicissitudes of the drive explain the formation of complexes such as the Oedipus complex and their pathogenic developments, such as neurosis and psychosis. However, we know today that mental energy does not have an extraneuronal origin: the axon o f the neuron produces the nervous influx that streams toward the nerve endings.
Le Séminaire - Lacan : L'antiphilosophie 3 (1994-1995) by Alain Badiou
by Steven