Rudolf Kingslake's Lens Design Fundamentals PDF

By Rudolf Kingslake

ISBN-10: 012374301X

ISBN-13: 9780123743015

ISBN-10: 081947939X

ISBN-13: 9780819479396

If one is after the distinctive mathmatics of optical layout, this can be a sturdy booklet.

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00001 per  C . 0056, quite enough to alter the focus significantly. In a reflex camera this would be overcome during the focusing operation before making the exposure, but in a fixed-focus or rangefinder camera, or one depending on the use of a focus scale, something must be done to avoid this temperature effect. One way that has been proposed is to place all or most of the lens power in a glass element, using the plastic elements only for aberration correction. Another suggestion is to mount the lens in a compensated mount of two materials having very different coefficients of expansion, so that as the temperature changes, one airspace of the lens is altered by just the right amount to restore the image position on the film.

Catadioptric (mirror–lens) systems 5. Varifocal and zoom lenses Chapter 1 21 Each of these types, and indeed every form of lens, requires an individual and specific process for its design. Some lenses contain many refracting surfaces while some contain few. In some lenses there are so many available parameters that almost any glass can be used; in others the choice of glass is an important degree of freedom. Some lens systems favor a high relative aperture but cover only a small angular field, while other types are just the reverse.

It should be understood that imagery formed using paraxial ray tracing is stigmatic (free from aberrations) since the paraxial heights and angles are infinitesimal. Consequently, the imagery formed by a physically realizable lens, when well corrected, will be in the same location along the optical axis as the paraxial image. 3. Writing sines as angles and cosines as unity, and remembering that in the paraxial region both Q and Q 0 degenerate to the paraxial ray height y, we get i ¼ yc þ u; 0 0 y ¼ Àlu ¼ Àl 0 u 0 i ¼ ðn=n Þi (paraxial law of refraction) u 0 ¼ u þ i 0 À i ¼ i À yc ¼ i 0 À yc (3-1) with the transfer y2 ¼ y1 þ du10 .

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Lens Design Fundamentals by Rudolf Kingslake

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