By Boris Gulko, Joel Sneed
ISBN-10: 1857446682
ISBN-13: 9781857446685
Think you're a membership participant who has been given the chance to speak at size with a recognized grandmaster. How could you are making the main of this opportunity? Club gamers are ignorant of the subtleties that exist in grandmaster chess. Great avid gamers can examine chess at a intensity that's unfathomable to amateurs. even if, having reached this kind of excessive point could make it obscure what's missing within the brain of the amateur. Lessons with a Grandmaster bridges this hole among grandmaster and beginner via a chain of conversations among instructor, the popular Grandmaster Boris Gulko, and scholar Dr. Joel R. Sneed, a professor of psychology and novice chess participant. the teachings are in keeping with Gulko’s personal battles opposed to fellow grandmasters, and there's specific concentrate on technique, strategies and the function of psychology in chess competition.Learn from the chess video games of Boris GulkoTypical questions you are going to ask a Grandmater - answered!Improve your realizing of chess process and psychology
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Nc4 21 Re2 Exercise: What is Black’s best move and why? a5, getting on with the minority attack. Boris: Which piece is White’s best? Of course the knight on d5 is White’s best piece. Be6 preparing to exchange it. I also don’t have an active role for my bishop. Finally, after the exchange on d5 and e4xd5, White’s bishop will become bad. Bxa2 24 Ra1 Bc4 25 Rxa7 Ra8 26 Rxa8 Rxa8 and Black is better) 24 cxb4 Rxb4 25 b3 a5 and Black has a clear initiative. Both 22 e5 dxe5 23 fxe5 Rc5 and 22 f5 Bxd5 23 exd5 Ne5 were bad.
Rg8-g2. Anyway, this position is much more pleasant for Black. exf5 19 gxh5 Ke6! Boris: I avoid check and improve the position of my king. 20 Bxd4 exd4 21 Rxd4 Boris: Now he has an extra pawn, but his pawns on the kingside are weak and my bishop is very good. Be5 22 Rc4?! Boris: There are a lot of possibilities and he is forced to choose. 22 Rd3 was better, protecting his third rank. Now it is under-protected and I use it at once. After 22 Rd3! Bxc3+ 23 Rxc3 fxe4 Black is better but White has drawing chances.
8 Bb2 Nd7 9 Nd2 Ne7 Exercise: What is White’s best way to proceed? (difficulty level 2) Joel: White’s advantage is temporary. He needs to find ways to speed up his development and cannot allow Black time to untangle himself. White has a bad bishop as does Black. Black’s good bishop, which prevents White from using the c4-square with his knight, is active and well placed. Therefore, 10 Bh3 accomplishes many objectives. Bxh3 seems forced, otherwise White will take and double Black’s pawns with a lasting advantage in the endgame.
Lessons with a Grandmaster: Enhance Your Chess Strategy and Psychology with Boris Gulko by Boris Gulko, Joel Sneed
by Joseph