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By Karen Frazier, R. Nakata, B. Hoskins, S. Wilkinson

ISBN-10: 0194364739

ISBN-13: 9780194364737

A six-level path which mixes a carefully-controlled grammatical syllabus with sensible dialogues to provide useful, natural-sounding English.

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But much of this newly cleared land quickl y became exha usted, because the soil was too poo r, being e ithe r too heavy or too light and sandy. As a result , the effort to farm more land co uld not match th e inc rease in popu lat ion , and this led to a decline in individu al family land holdin gs. It also led to an increase in th e number of landless labourers, to greate r povert y and hunger. A s lan d became overused, so bad harvests became more frequent. A nd in the years of bad harvest people starved to de ath .

Th e amount of wax used for seals on official pape rs gives an idea of th e rapid growth of the royal administration . 5 kg were used each week. Forty years later, in 1260, thi s had risen to 14 kg weekly. A nd government administration has been growing ever since. Law and justice The king, of course , was respon sible for law and justice. But kings usually had to leave the administration of this important matter to someo ne who lived close to the place where a crim e was committ ed. In Saxon tim es every distr ict had had its own laws and customs, and justice had often been a family matter.

Vassals we re gradually beg inn ing to change into tenants . Feudalism. the use of land in return for service. was beginn ing to weaken . But it too k anot he r three hundred years before it disappeared comp letely. 5 The power of the kings of England C hurch and state' The beginnings of Parliament· Dealing with the C elts Church and state John 's reign also marked th e end of the long struggle between C hurch and sta te in Englan d. This had begun in 1066 when th e pope claimed that Wi lliam had promised to acce pt him as his feudal lord.

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Let's Go 4: Student Book by Karen Frazier, R. Nakata, B. Hoskins, S. Wilkinson

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