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By M. L. Batrinos

ISBN-10: 9607398416

ISBN-13: 9789607398413

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Hence there are also tragedies that arise from character. Commonly, tragic works based on such interpretations are poetically weak .. Human drives which are entirely concrete, and general rules which are entirely abstract, can meet in conflicts that may be rationally developed. But they do not take visible shape as compelling visions of the depths of existence. The very transparency of these alternatives exhausts the problem. Where there is no sense of the infinite vastness of what is beyond our grasp, all we finally succeed in conveying is misery ~ not tragedy.

Is his t~kto-rend~r tragic knowledge visible, and all these limited realities serve him merely as raw material. Through· this raw material he points out what is truly at issue in this conflict. The conflict is now understood according to the interpretations of the antagonists, or of the poet and, through him, the spectator. These interpretations of the battle are themselves realities. For significance so uncovered has always generated the strongest motive power. This significance emerges in the plot of the tragedy.

On the other hand, those who have nothing but determination in their forceful assurance, their unthinking obedience, their. unquestioning brutality - they are in reality caught up in the narrowness of their illusions. Only a dull-witted enthusiasm for that drastic and immediate resort to action which characterizes men passively subservient to their impulses could accuse Hamlet of inactivity. The opposite is true. 20 This commitment he kept unto the very last, right through his quick turns of decision in the fatal duel with Laertes.

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Màthe Modern Greek by M. L. Batrinos

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