By Rina Benmayor, Pilar Dominguez Prats, María Eugenia Cardenal de la Nuez
ISBN-10: 1137438711
ISBN-13: 9781137438713
The Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds were crucibles for vital paintings in oral heritage and different fields, yet too little has been made available to English readers. This assortment seeks to reinforce and extend entry to contemporary scholarship from the Iberian international that has now not been translated or another way made on hand to English speakers.
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Who lost two years of their lives . . for nothing,” feeling that their war experience confers a socially distinctive factor in relation to subsequent generations. As Manuel Figueiredo reasoned, “I was part of it. . ” Frequently, the ex-combatants used language that emphasized a certain individual powerlessness regarding the role they played in the national military process. This sense of powerlessness highlighted their group bonds. ” Joaquim Piteira explained how he was a little matchstick, you know, a little matchstick, amongst thousands of matchsticks.
I argue that the nuances contained in these individual voices become all the more significant and revealing due to the characteristics of the Portuguese memorial context. The veterans emphasize a common fighting experience for the motherland, the family-centered nature of gatherings, the celebration of their military units, the erection of monuments and similar commemorative manifestations. In these respects, war commemoration for the Portuguese veterans’ group resembles more closely conflicts of a noncolonial nature.
Scott, Joan W. Gender and the Politics of History. y New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. 28–50. Thomson, Alistair. 1 (2007): 49–70. Traverso, Enzo. El Pasado: Instrucciones de Uso [The Past: Instructions for Use]. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2011. Print. Wengraf, Tom. Qualitative Research Interviewing: Biographic Narrative and SemiStructured Methodss. London: SAGE. 2001. Print. Words and Silences: The Journal of the International Oral History Association. org/call-for-articles-word-and-silences-2/.
Memory, Subjectivities, and Representation: Approaches to Oral History in Latin America, Portugal, and Spain by Rina Benmayor, Pilar Dominguez Prats, María Eugenia Cardenal de la Nuez
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