By Luuk Ligt, Laurens Ernst Tacoma
ISBN-10: 9004307362
ISBN-13: 9789004307360
Until eventually lately migration didn't occupy a sought after position at the time table of scholars of Roman heritage. a variety of forms of circulate within the Roman global have been studied, yet now not lower than the heading of migration and mobility. Migration and Mobility within the Early Roman Empire starts off from the idea that state-organised, pressured and voluntary mobility and migration have been intertwined and will be studied jointly. The papers assembled within the publication faucet into the remarkably huge reservoir of archaeological and textual assets touching on a number of kinds of stream throughout the Roman Principate. crucial subject matters coated are rural-urban migration, labour mobility, relationships among compelled and voluntary mobility, state-organised routine of army devices, and familial and feminine mobility.
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14 de Ligt and Tacoma these isotopic data is not free from problems. The most important of these is perhaps that some Mediterranean regions have similar isotope ranges, making it difficult to reconstruct migration patterns involving movements within or between these areas. On the other hand, as Prowse points out in her contribution, this ‘lack of resolution’ should not be allowed to obscure the fundamental fact that isotope analysis is an excellent tool for identifying immigrants among those individuals whose lives are not illuminated by any kind of literary or epigraphic evidence but solely by the chemical signatures of their skeletons.
Sources and Models Although any attempt to trace migration and mobility runs up against the limitations imposed by the surviving evidence and also against various methodological difficulties, the amount of textual evidence surviving from the first two centuries ce that can be used for this purpose is surprisingly abundant. Over the past decades, epigraphers and papyrologists have produced some valuable studies of regional mobility on the basis of documentary texts. 47 Several papers in this volume tap into the large reservoir of sources from the Roman world.
If the numerus clausus for the beneficiaries of the corn-dole established by Augustus in 2 bce33 was maintained afterwards, it is possible that the weight of the plebs frumentaria in the whole population declined as a result of the combined effects of the growth of the population and an increase in the number of temporary residents. Such a scenario helps us to explain how and why the skeletal evidence of the Roman cemeteries shows such a high proportion of people who had grown up outside Rome. 33 Cass.
Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire by Luuk Ligt, Laurens Ernst Tacoma
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