By B. McGinn (auth.), Karl A. Kottman (eds.)
ISBN-10: 9048156653
ISBN-13: 9789048156658
ISBN-10: 9401722803
ISBN-13: 9789401722803
Over 300 years in the past, the paramount sleek Catholic exegete, Cornelius a Lapide, S.J., wrote that the twenty fifth of March, 2000, was once the main most probably date for the realm to finish. Catholic Millenarianism doesn't allow the day go with no remark.
Catholic Millenarianism bargains an authoritative assessment of Catholic apocalyptic inspiration mixed with particular shows through experts on 9 significant Catholic authors, similar to Savonarola, Luis de León, and António Vieira. With its better half volumes, Catholic Millenarianism illustrates a carry apocalyptic matters had on highbrow lifestyles, relatively among 1500 and 1900, rivaling and influencing rationalism and skepticism.
Catholics don't in general anticipate a messianic reign via earthly ability. Catholic Millenarianism indicates as an alternative what's universal to Catholic authors: their preoccupation with the connection among linguistic prophecies and the occasions they foretell. This makes the views provided as unusually diversified as their specific instances, and the e-book itself attention-grabbing and price repeated reading.
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See Revilla Rico, op. , and A. " in Homenaje a Menendez Pidal, (Madrid: Hernando, 1925) III: 377. On the little known abut these Hebrew scholars, see the introduction by Federico Perez Castro to El manuscrito apologetico de Alfonso de Zamora, (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investiaciones Cientificas, Institute "Arias Montano," 1950), the articles "Alfonso de Alcala," "Alfonso de Zamora," and "Pablo Coronel" in the Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada, Vol. 4: 612 and 614 and Vol. 5: 820. There are articles "Paul Nunez Coronel" and "Alfonso de Zamora" in the Jewish Encyclopedia.
13 In a non-systematic way, he insisted that natural "knowledge" was inadequate, and that only revealed knowledge was true and certain. And, of course, he maintained that he had knowledge directly from God, knowledge about the nature of the world and about events that were to come that was most certain and more certain than any other reputed knowledge. In one of his sermons of 1496, he contended that ignorant, carnal man, with no intellectual interests or concerns or illusions, can more easily be converted to the spiritual life than can animal man who thinks he knows, but actually does not [namely, the philosophers].
Louis and University of California, Los Angeles NOTES * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I should like to thank Anna Suranyi for her important assistance in helping me prepare this paper for publication. W. Cavini, "Appunti sulla prima diffusione in occidente delle opere di Sesto Empirico," Medeoevo 3 (1977),15-18. As much as is known about this appears in Donald Weinstein, Savonarola and Florence: Prophecy and Patriotism in the Renaissance, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970), 243, n. 46; and, Cavini, op.
Millenarianism and Messianism in Early Modern European Culture: Volume II Catholic Millenarianism: From Savonarola to the Abbé Grégoire by B. McGinn (auth.), Karl A. Kottman (eds.)
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