By S. Teir
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In the case of three operands, the syntax is as follows: Instr Ri, Rj , Rk, LSL #n ; logical left shift of n bits Instr Ri, Rj , Rk, LSR #n ; logical right shift of n bits Instr Ri, Rj , Rk, ASR #n ; arithmetic left shift of n bits Instr Ri, Rj , Rk, ROR #n ; rotate right to n bits Instr Ri, Rj , Rk, RRX ; rotate right including the flag C In each case, the indices i, j and k are integers between 0 and 12, and n is an integer between 1 and 31. The logical shift introduces zeros to the right or the left.
The advanced programmer will, however, have to verify that the predefined size of the system stack is not under- or over-sized relative to its application. 1. The AREA sections A program in assembly language must have at least two parts, which we will refer to as sections, that must be defined in the listing by the AREA directive: – one section of code containing the list of instructions; – one section of data where we find the description of the data (name, size, initial value). – Unlike in higher level languages where the declaration of variables can be more or less mixed with instructions, assembly language requires a clear separation.
This implies that somewhere in the listing there is a reservation for this specific area and at least one instruction for the initialization of the stack pointer (SP) responsible for its management. In using existing development tools, this phase is often included in a file (written in assembly language) that contains a number of initializations. Indeed, the μcontroller hosting Cortex-M3 must also undergo a number of configuration operations just after a reset; the initialization of the stack in this file is consequently not aberrant.
Modern Boiler Types and Applications by S. Teir
by Brian