By Sergej Težak
ISBN-10: 9535105663
ISBN-13: 9789535105664
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29-33 Waitt, G. (1997). Selling paradise and adventure: representations of landscape in the tourist advertising of Australia. Australian Geographical Studies, Vol. 1, pp. 47-60 Wong, C. & Liu, F. (2011). A study of pre-trip use of travel guidebooks by leisure travelers. Tourism Management, Vol. 3, pp. 616-628 The guidebooks referred to in this chapter ADAC Reiseführer Niederlande (2004) ANWB Extra Vlaanderen (2010), fifth edition by ANWB. Concept by DuMont Reiseverlag (2009) ANWB Navigator Duitsland (2006), first edition by ANWB.
Cultural differences in travel guidebooks information search. Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol. 1, pp. 63-78 Renes, J. Landschap en regionale identiteit. Geografie, Vol 8, March 1999, pp. 8-15 Scarles, C. (2004). Mediating Landscapes. The processes and practices of image construction in tourist brochures of Scotland. Tourist Studies, Vol. 1, pp. 43-67 Siegenthaler, P. (2002). Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japanese guidebooks. 4, pp. 1111-1137 Smecca, P. (2009). Tourist guidebooks and the image of Sicily in translation.
Stereotypes and clichés usually express difference and thus establish ‘other place’. When related to local food and drinks, they might represent ‘other experience’. Occasionally stereotypes place people back in time, still cherishing age-old habits and wearing traditional dress. Stereotypes and clichés may be the result of ‘uploading’ or ‘downloading’ (Boisen, Terlouw & Van Gorp, 2011). Uploading is the transformation of a local characteristic or peculiarity into a regional or even national trait.
Modern cableways - the base of mountain sports tourism by Sergej Težak
by Edward