By Robert L. Launer, Andrew F. Siegel
ISBN-10: 0124381804
ISBN-13: 9780124381803
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The multiple Q-Q plot of 200 random observations M = 2 M =1 NICHOLAS P. 001 IO"4 io- 6 M= 8 io- 1 0 / IO"15 FIGURE 9. y M = 16 s y y*"'' y /r-'".. ,/ยท / " r / y / y /"" The multiple Q-Q plot of 200 random observa- tions generated by the logistic distribution against observations relating to how close the observed G(0,1). distribution is to G(0,1) and also some qualitative information about convergence of maxima and the rate of convergence. It would be satisfying to see a multiple Q-Q plot of lines which 'straighten' out as m becomes larger suggesting that taking maxima of a larger number of underlying measurements would achieve a closer fit to a Gumbel distribution.
Cousins, W. , Davies, O. , Hinsworth, F. , and Stevens, W. L. (1957) Statistical Methods in Research and Production, Third Edition, Oliver and Boyd, London. , Kleiner, Beat, and Tukey, Paul A. (to appear). Graphical Methods for Data Analysis. Chambers, John M. and Kleiner, Beat (to appear). Graphical Techniques for Multivariate Data and for Clustering. Handbook of Statistics II, edited by Krishnaiah. North-Holland, New York. Cleveland, William S. (1979). Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots.
Figure 2 illustrates how particular elements of the matrix are represented on the biplot. Thus, element y 2 ~ is repre- sented by the inner product of the second row marker a_2 and the third column marker b~. , b-*, take the straight line ' Fig. 2. i 1 - 2 - 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 Biplot representation of the third column of Y. BIPLOT DISPLAY AND PENCIL-AND-PAPER EDA METHODS 49 from the origin through that marker, and project the other marker a~ orthogonally onto it. The distance from the origin to the foot of the perpendicular of a_2 onto the line through b~ is then multiplied by the length of the vector b..
Modern Data Analysis by Robert L. Launer, Andrew F. Siegel
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