By Ruth Aronson Berman
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Pl) (ult: [aSirotj) C C are also +son. 1 below) which restricts the glottal on-glide to syllable-initial position (and # usually coincides with a syllable boundary), and the latter because, in Hebrew, sonorant consonants must be flanked by a vowel on at least one side. In both of these cases, deletion is blocked, but the underlying vowel is still reduced to [e] (which did not happen in the cases of [batlan] ~ [batlanim], etc. and [arug] ~ [arugim], etc. as illustrated in (34) and (36) above, respectively).
2) where the stem-final vowel before a suffix-initial consonant is not /a/. One is the class of verbs whose underlying final root-radical is / ? / , excluding those cases of / ? / that originated from historical / ? / (see fn. 11), in four of the seven verb conjugations. Thus (all examples in 1st Pers. +ti/ are no problem, since their 3rd Person counterparts are [bite] 'he expressed' and [itbate] 'he expressed himself, respectively. +ti/, with its counterpart [imci] 'he invented', are indeed underlying representations or structures derived by some rule that turns vowels into [e] in this environment.
Besides, even in this conjugation it is a minor rule, since exceptions such as those listed below clearly outnumber the few cases where /n/ is still deleted in Modern Hebrew. (11) Past [nakat] [navax] [naSam] [nagad] [nagas] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Future [yinkot] [yinbax] [yinsfom] [yingod] [yingos] 'take (measures)' (or [yinvax]) 'bark' 'breathe' 'be contrary t o ' 'will bite' Cases of n-Deletion need to be specifically marked, then, as undergoing the rule. 3) or a part thereof. Below we examine three examples of this type.
Modern Hebrew Structure by Ruth Aronson Berman
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