Modern Practices in Radiation Therapy - download pdf or read online

By G. Natanasabapathi

ISBN-10: 9535104276

ISBN-13: 9789535104278

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Some 26 Modern Practices in Radiation Therapy complex treatment systems have no easy methodology or workflow to treat patients emergently with simple fields if the patient has not undergone a separate CT simulation. This is due to the fact that they have no way to calculate a treatment plan without a contoured CT image dataset. In addition, some intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) dedicated systems with their own CT treatment planning algorithms do not have an easy way to perform an independent calculation to verify the accuracy of the planned dose calculation.

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Baier, G. Mueller, J. Wulf, and M. Flentje. 2006. " Acta Oncol no. 45 (7):897-906. Herfarth, K. , J. Debus, F. Lohr, M. L. Bahner, P. Fritz, A. Hoss, W. Schlegel, and M. F. Wannenmacher. 2000. " Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys no. 46 (2):32935. , O. Micke, C. Moustakis, A. Schuck, U. Schafer, and N. A. Willich. 2002. " Radiology no. 222 (3):681-6. Jaffray, D. , D. G. Drake, M. Moreau, A. A. Martinez, and J. W. Wong. 1999. " Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys no. 45 (3):773-89. , A. Y. Minn, J. Van Dam, J.

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Modern Practices in Radiation Therapy by G. Natanasabapathi

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