By Craig R. Brush
ISBN-10: 9401196761
ISBN-13: 9789401196765
ISBN-10: 9401196788
ISBN-13: 9789401196789
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52Ia), or the eomposition of semen (p. 539a) follow Agrippa almost word for word. Montaigne repeats Agrippa's erroneous statement that Valerius Maximus is witness to Cieero's low estimate of learning in his old age (p. 48 ra). These and the other passages that eome from Agrippa are illustrations and examples for Montaigne's arguments. The essayist went to Agrippa for erudition, not for his eonvietions. After Agrippa, the interest in skeptieism in France seems to have inereased somewhat though it must be remembered that sinee Sextus was unknown, Cieero's Academica and Diogenes Laertius were the prineipal sourees of knowledge about it.
See C. S. Lewis, English Li/eratl/re in the Sixteenth Century (="ew York: Oxford Press. ,). pp. 4- 1 4. MONTAIGNE'S EARLY ESSAYS the second, he to ok exception to certain practices in Catholic observanee (not dogma). When did Montaigne have these attitudes? Re gives no help in answering this question; for in each case he only tells us that it was "autrefois," a sufficiently elastic term to apply to any period of his life. l In the matter of church observances, I tend to believe that he is referring to a time before 1562.
Mourir" together, p. 33). Dr. Armaingaud stubbomly and unconvincingly preferred to consider the essays of every period Epicurean; see his Introduction to the (EuvTes completes. In faimess to Villey it must be noted that he clairns to analyze the development of the Essais, not of the essayist; see his Preface to the second edition of Les SouTces et l'evolution (Paris: Hachette, 1933). ) I do not think that it is really possible or desirable to keep the two separate. As the book evolved, the author too changed.
Montaigne and Bayle: Variations on the Theme of Skepticism by Craig R. Brush
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