Download e-book for iPad: Multiple Fire Setters: The Process of Identifying and by Brett Martinez

By Brett Martinez

ISBN-10: 0878148574

ISBN-13: 9780878148578

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These subjects tend to be egocentric with an indifference to society in general. They are manipulative, cunning, and methodical in their planning of the crime and this gives them feelings of control and power. Table 2-1 shows a comparison of the two types. DISORGANIZED Versus Random targets Open flame Use of available material Severity of burn unplanned Limited mobility Loners Feels rejected Few friends Sets fires near home Substance abuser ORGANIZED Selective targeting Devices used to ignite Preparation to detail Planned ignition & burn severity Highly mobile Egocentric Indifferent to society Manipulative, cunning, and methodical Lives some distance from fire scene Chameleon personality Table 2–1: Comparison of Offender Types The Six Categories of Multiple Fire Setters Vanity or excitement oriented These fire setters may have personal goals they are attempting to achieve through fire setting.

Some recommended sources are through federal and state grants. This is how the Fire Marshal’s department of the State of Maryland Fire Marshal got started with their programs. Using federal grants, they developed a statewide data sharing system. Maryland also used federal funds to develop a management guide for the fire investigation unit. The first program, called Maryland Fire Investigation Data Reporting System (MFIDRS), was developed in 1996 and is overseen be the State Fire Marshal’s Office.

NFIRS data has been used for public education, building codes, and consumer product safety. The system is voluntary, but widely used by the fire service. Private vendors such as the Fire Service Software Vendors Association who have created software to meet standard requirements and also tailored the system to meet special needs of individual states and municipalities have also helped to improve the NFIRS system. According to the article, “1999 National Update” by Jay K. , 1999, only two states were not participating in NFIRS or a similar data recording system.

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Multiple Fire Setters: The Process of Identifying and Tracking Multiple Fire Setters by Brett Martinez

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