By Bart Hopkin, John Scoville
ISBN-10: 1884365086
ISBN-13: 9781884365089
Author note: creation through , John Scoville
This is an encyclopedic, large-format publication containing enormous quantities of illustrations. whereas no longer aimed at making traditional tools, Musical tool Design presents all of the info that anybody (amateur or specialist) may still ever have to build an amazingly good selection of percussion, string, and wind tools. comprises many designs in addition to components lists and specified building instructions.
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At the completion of the program five of the eight target students made gains in both probability and writing. Although the team was not surprised to find that students used both writing and mathematical symbols as they wrote about probability (see Bruner, 1964; Biggs & Collis, 1991), they had not expected the solutions of these fifth graders to rely so heavily on these two types of representation. They attribute these outcomes to the use of a cognitive apprenticeship model by the teacher who encouraged the students to write up their mathematical solutions in the same way a mathematician at work would.
In two of the cases he saw four personal, professional, and institutional functions for the writing, different for each course, but congruent with each instructor’s goals. But in the third course he saw the only purpose was institutional: to demonstrate his academic competence. Consequently he found little personal meaning from the assignments in this third course He summed up his experience of writing in cynical terms: “First you have to figure out what your teachers 46 Reference Guide to Writing Across the Curriculum want.
Overall, the authors found that a combination of talk and writing provided the greatest improvement— with talk serving to share and clarify knowledge, and writing serving to refine and consolidate knowledge with prior knowledge. Writing further seems to serve to aid retention of co-constructed knowledge. Interestingly there were strong indications that the value of talk and writing may vary with student ability. Those students most skilled in the subject area benefited most of individual writing without discussion, while those least skilled benefited most from discussion.
Musical Instrument Design: Practical Information for Instrument Design by Bart Hopkin, John Scoville
by James