By Willa Cather
ISBN-10: 0743487699
ISBN-13: 9780743487696
ENDURING LITERATURE ILLUMINATEDBY useful SCHOLARSHIPThe relocating portrait of an orphan boy and immigrant woman who locate difficulty -- and love -- at the American prairie.EACH ENRICHED vintage version INCLUDES:• A concise advent that provides readers very important history details• A chronology of the author's lifestyles and paintings• A timeline of vital occasions that gives the book's historic context• an overview of key subject matters and plot issues to assist readers shape their very own interpretations• particular explanatory notes• severe research, together with modern and smooth views at the paintings• dialogue inquiries to advertise energetic lecture room and booklet workforce interplay• a listing of prompt comparable books and movies to increase the reader's experienceEnriched Classics provide readers reasonable versions of significant works of literature improved by means of valuable notes and insightful observation. The scholarship supplied in Enriched Classics permits readers to understand, comprehend, and revel in the world's most interesting books to their complete potential.SERIES EDITED by way of CYNTHIA BRANTLEY JOHNSON
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Jake and I got supper, and while we were washing the dishes he told me in loud whispers about the state of things over at the Shimerdas'. Nobody could touch the body until the coroner came. If anyone did, something terrible would happen, apparently. The dead man was frozen through, `just as stiff as a dressed turkey you hang out to freeze,' Jake said. The horses and oxen would not go into the barn until he was frozen so hard that there was no longer any smell of blood. They were stabled there now, with the dead man, because there was no other place to keep them.
Shimerda rose, crossed himself, and quietly knelt down before the tree, his head sunk forward. ' I saw grandmother look apprehensively at grandfather. He was rather narrow in religious matters, and sometimes spoke out and hurt people's feelings. There had been nothing strange about the tree before, but now, with some one kneeling before it--images, candles ... Grandfather merely put his finger-tips to his brow and bowed his venerable head, thus Protestantizing the atmosphere. We persuaded our guest to stay for supper with us.
I did not, of course, say that I believed he had been in that very kitchen all afternoon, on his way back to his own country. Nevertheless, after I went to bed, this idea of punishment and Purgatory came back on me crushingly. I remembered the account of Dives in torment, and shuddered. But Mr. Shimerda had not been rich and selfish: he had only been so unhappy that he could not live any longer. XV OTTO FUCHS GOT back from Black Hawk at noon the next day. He reported that the coroner would reach the Shimerdas' sometime that afternoon, but the missionary priest was at the other end of his parish, a hundred miles away, and the trains were not running.
My Antonia (Enriched Classics (Pocket)) by Willa Cather
by Donald