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By Friedrich Nietzsche, Giorgio Colli, Mazzino Montinari

ISBN-10: 3423022280

ISBN-13: 9783423022286

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Additional info for Nachgelassene Fragmente 1875-1879. band 8 (Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Einzelbanden)

Sample text

51 It is in fact rather unhelpful to current assumptions about Burgundian ritual. The imperial state in China did indeed incorporate local cults and rituals, and altered their meaning to suit its purposes, yet even when these were readopted at a local level, they remained open to reinterpretation by locals who did not necessarily see them as legitimating imperial control. State use of ritual was not fundamentally antagonistic towards local traditions; it could be subtle rather than crudely interventionist.

Its use as an instrument of princely authority was not necessarily an assured support for stable rule. Saddling up at the Bruges jousts was also not certain to further princely power. The event might be perceived as a source of civic pride, but it could also be identified as a seat of sectional interest. In times of crisis, when more radical elements within the city were in rebellion, the event did not take place. 97 In times of crisis, reliance on the ties forged with this particular group of the civic elite did not promote ducal control over the city as a whole.

69. This phenomenon is harder to document because the town accounts (on which we are reliant up until the 1460s) do not always tell us which relics were transported; while the references to processions in the St Donatian Acta Capituli for the same period are sparser. But it seems that from 1471, processions in which more than one relic was transported became more frequent. The combination favoured was the ‘drie riven’, the principal relics from each of the three main parish churches in Bruges (St Donatian, Our Lady, St Saviour) – as on 4 April 1471 (HS 437, fols.

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Nachgelassene Fragmente 1875-1879. band 8 (Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Einzelbanden) by Friedrich Nietzsche, Giorgio Colli, Mazzino Montinari

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