Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia by F. Clark Howell (auth.), Takeru Akazawa, Kenichi Aoki, Ofer PDF

By F. Clark Howell (auth.), Takeru Akazawa, Kenichi Aoki, Ofer Bar-Yosef (eds.)

ISBN-10: 0306459248

ISBN-13: 9780306459245

ISBN-10: 0306471531

ISBN-13: 9780306471537

In this attention-grabbing quantity, the center Paleolithic archaeology of the center East is dropped at the present debate at the origins of contemporary people. those accrued papers assemble the main updated archaeological discoveries of Western Asia - a quarter that's frequently overshadowed by means of African or ecu findings - however the basically quarter on the planet the place either Neandertal and early sleek human fossils were discovered. the gathering comprises stories on such renowned cave websites as Kebara, Hayonim, and Qafzeh, between others. the knowledge and interpretations to be had listed here are a needs to for any severe researcher or pupil of anthropology or human evolution.

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The Swanscombe “skull” is generally regarded as a primitive Neandertal, based on its occipital features (Stringer et al. 1984), and recent research on the geomorphology of the Thames terraces suggest that it may be from deposits of oxygen isotope stage 11 age (about 400 ka) (Bridgland 1994). The Arago material is similarly seen as displaying proto-Neandertal features, and may be of approximately the same antiquity (Stringer et al. 1984). The more ancient Mauer mandible is seen by some workers as showing characters which anticipate those of the Neandertals, while some workers have hinted that even the early Gran Dolina sample from Atapuerca shows such characters (Carbonell et al.

Other products include spatulate pieces, polishers, chisels, wedges, and (bone) awls. Diverse activities and actions are employed in such (and other) productions—cutting, incising, splitting, wedging, controlled percussion, grinding, polishing as well as perforation, gouging, drilling in other instances. Such are utterly unknown in MP industries. g. Artistic and decorative expressions are demonstratively first commonly practiced within Aurignacian industrial contexts. Such instances are found largely, though not exclusively clustered in Aquitanian France and the Alpine forelands of central Europe; still earlier occurrences are known in the Balkans (Temnata Cave).

On the other hand early occupation (>49 ka BP) is evidenced at several sites in west Siberia and the Altai. d. The Aurignacian complex evinces substantial ‘cultural’ homogeneity over its very extensive distribution. There is remarkably scant distinguishable regional differentiation. However, some temporal differentiation is manifest. Although former attributed stages (I–IV, V), based on both bone and some lithic types/frequencies, have tended to break down, investigators have proffered schema reflective of space/time delineations for Aquitanian France, central Europe and even much of west Eurasia.

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Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia by F. Clark Howell (auth.), Takeru Akazawa, Kenichi Aoki, Ofer Bar-Yosef (eds.)

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