By oliver warner
ISBN-10: 0060263806
ISBN-13: 9780060263805
Nelson and the Age of struggling with Sail.
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I am here the reed among the oaks," he had boasted. "All the prevailing disorders have attacked me, but I have not shore, that Nelson received the strength for them the sturdy oak is to fasten on. " I bow before On July 16, the storm, while he wrote home: I was wounded in the head by stones from the merlon [parapet] of our battery. My right eye is cut entirely down; but the surgeons flatter me I shall not entirely lose sight of that eye. At present I can distinguish light from dark, but no object; it confined me one day when, thank God, I was enabled to attend to my duty.
A soldier of the 69th Regiment, having broke the upper quarter-galley window, jumped in. followed by myself and others, as fast as possible. " A detach- 69th— now called the Welsh Regiment— was serving as marines and did splendidly throughout. Within a few moments the San Josef was in British hands. Just beyond her was an even larger ship, the San Nicolas, which ment of the had been run alongside her compatriot. Nelson ordered Captain Miller to send a party across the San Josef to take the other ship by storm.
Nelson added: "I have no idea of a closer or sharper battle; the force gun the same, and nearly the same number of men; we having 250. ' When only he himself of all the officers was left alive, he hailed and said he could fight to a — 52 Xarel Adiiertmenli of Great Bnloin ieskiv 1*1 . " Hardly had the guns ceased (and the boarding party been dispatched to the Sabina) than other Spanish ships were seen approaching. The next day Nelson was forced to abandon the prize, together with his boarding party, in order to look after his own ship.
Nelson and the Age of Fighting Sail by oliver warner
by Edward