New Directions in Economic and Social History - download pdf or read online

By Anne Digby, Charles Feinstein

ISBN-10: 0333495691

ISBN-13: 9780333495698

ISBN-10: 1349203157

ISBN-13: 9781349203154

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M. Devine, The Great Highland Famine: Hunger, Emigration and the Scottish Highlands in the Nineteenth Century (Edinburgh, 1988). (9) A. I. Macinnes, 'Scottish Gaeldom: the First Phase of Clearance', in T. M. Devine and R. Mitchison (eds), People and Society in Scotland, 1760-1830 (Edinburgh, 1988). 48 II Economy 4 Domesday Book after 900 Years S. HARVEY The nine-hundredth centenary of the compilation of Domesday Book has made it the focus of much attention. y about the purpose for which it was compiled, the extent to which it revealed continuities or change between Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, and the accuracy of its detailed estimates of wealth and taxpaying capacity.

This dominated the period from 1750-1830, with remnants reaching into the twentieth century. It was sanctioned by act of parliament, occasioned by private and local petitions and bills for the enclosure of the whole or parts of villages, parishes, townships, and hamlets. The first enclosure act was in 1604 in Radipole in Dorset, but it was not until the mideighteenth century that they became so frequent as to warrant measurement (see Figure 1). Private enclosures also took place - local agreements which in previous centuries had often been ratified locally or by the London courts - but after 1750 private enclosure was dwarfed by the statutory instrument.

The Hammonds' famous dictum that 'the suffrages were not counted but weighed', meaning that it was landownership strength measured in property rather than in gross numbers which influenced parliament, has become the reasonable answer to those who claimed that parliamentary enclosure was a process which recognised the rights even of humble men. Finally, it is unlikely that enclosure increased long-term employment outside the immediate task of building fences and ditches. Up to 1780 there was a move to convert arable to pasture, involving a transition from a more to a less labour-intensive system.

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New Directions in Economic and Social History by Anne Digby, Charles Feinstein

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