By Paula Youngman Skrestlet
ISBN-10: 1563086840
ISBN-13: 9781563086847
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8 v. ISBN 0-435-94807-5. An extensive collection of essays, rich in detail, chronicling the course of many African civilizations from prehistoric times to about 1980. The methodology of history itself receives a great deal of attention; reliance on European sources is avoided, and the work intentionally rests upon the two bases of archaeology and oral tradition. The political agenda of the effort is spelled out in the Preface by Senegal’s Amadou-Mahtar M’Bow, then Director-General of UNESCO: “...
This volume belongs on the desk within reach of anyone needing convenient ready-reference materials on the history of this region. 64. Stewart, John. African States and Rulers: an Encyclopedia of Native, Colonial and Independent States and Rulers Past and Present. , 1989. xx, 395 p. ISBN 0-89950-390-X. Each entry in this reference provides a list of all known rulers or administrators of a given political unit and the dates of their tenure in office. There is no other biographical information on any of these individuals.
95. Fodor’s Resource Center. Smart Travel Tips. com/resource/ General travel information. 96. Lonely Planet. Destinations: Africa. htm Travel information. So far, weak on northern Africa. 97. The Middle East and North Africa Travel Network. mideasttravelnet. com/ Descriptions of each country, plus more specific travel information: airlines serving certain locations, flight times, accommodations, local transport, entertainment, attractions, business contacts, etc. Covers Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.
Northern Africa: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources by Paula Youngman Skrestlet
by Robert