Download e-book for iPad: On latency : individual development, narcissistic impulse by M. Leticia Franieck, Michael Günter

By M. Leticia Franieck, Michael Günter

ISBN-10: 1849407487

ISBN-13: 9781849407489

Latency is a developmental interval that performs a transitional function, like "a bridge", among early youth and youth (the starting of early adulthood). even if, the latency interval is a topic that has now not been studied adequate in psychoanalysis in recent times. many of the psychoanalytic frameworks that experience equipped on and prolonged Freud's paintings have focussed their recognition both at the realizing of the  Read more...

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From 1914 to 1940 the concept of ‘primary narcissism’ was reviewed many times by Freud and nowadays many psychoanalyst authors have been giving increased attention to understanding this concept. Take the case of Ubinha (2004). Ubinha asserted that it is possible to distinguish two different theories of ‘primary narcissism’ in Freud’s work: the first considers it as an evolutionary stage that emerges from the partial drives anarchic and self-erotic up to the love-object choice, passing through ego formation, as it was presented in On Narcissism: An Introduction (1914), and the second admits an original ‘primary narcissism’, that precedes the object existence, paradigmatic from the pre-natal period, such as was shown in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1921).

The subject’s narcissism makes its appearance displaced on this new ideal ego, which like the infantile ego, finds itself possessed of every perfection that is of value. (Freud, 1914: 94) The introduction of the ‘ego ideal’ concept is a crucial milestone in psychoanalytical theory. Its repercussions widened beyond just being the basis for the ego psychoanalytic theory which had influence on the development of the second topographical scheme in 1923; it also changed the psychological conflict theory; differentiated sublimation from idealization; gave an understanding of the paranoia mechanism; and gave the basis for the understanding of group psychology.

The group phenomenon is produced by the opposition between these two tendencies and the relationship of each member of the group with the group is mediated by the common purpose. The common purpose is the price of belonging to a group and is characterized by ‘feeling with’ and ‘feeling like’ the others. The common purpose is based on the wish to be loved by the group. 28 O N L AT E N C Y In the case that a group does not love a member, and rejects this member, a narcissistic wound is produced. To put it another way, it may appear that narcissism plays dialectical roles: on the one hand as an opposite force against socialism (pathological face), and, on the other, as a basic feeling connected to self-esteem in the acceptance as a member of the group (healthy face).

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On latency : individual development, narcissistic impulse reminiscence, and cultural ideal by M. Leticia Franieck, Michael Günter

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