By Eric Partridge
ISBN-10: 0203421140
ISBN-13: 9780203421147
Publish 12 months note: First released January 1st 1958
This dictionary provides the origins of a few 20,000 goods from the trendy English vocabulary, discussing them in teams that clarify the connections among phrases derived by way of numerous routes from initially universal inventory.
As good as giving the solutions to questions on the derivation of person phrases, it's a attention-grabbing ebook to flick through, in view that each web page issues out hyperlinks with different entries. you can still pursue such trails because the longer articles are written as non-stop prose basically divided up via numbered paragraphs and subheadings, and there's a cautious procedure of cross-references. as well as the most A-Z directory, there are large lists of prefixes, suffixes, and parts utilized in the production of latest vocabulary.
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L perambulare, to walk per or through, has pp perambulatus, whence 'to perambulate', to walk, hence to travel, over; the derivative LL perambulalio, o/s permabultiti6n-, yields perambulation; perambulator is an E formation (cf agential -or): the baby-carriage sense is derivative. 5. LL circumambulare, to walk circum or around, has pp circumambuliitus, whence 'to circumambulate', whence E has analogously derived circumambulation, etc. 6. 0:: but ME ramblen could, after amble, have come from VL *rambulare, for LL reambuldre, an inferior var of L redambl/lare, to walk back, esp from an excursion.
See FILIAL, para 3. M. Indians') dpuchu, enemy. apanage, appanage. See PANTKY, para 10. apart; apartment. See PART, para 17. apathy, whence apathetk, derives, perh via EF-F apathie, from L apathia: Gr apatliela: privative a-+pathos+abstract suffix -ela. aSYMPATHY and see PATHIC. ape, n hence v: OE apa, akin to ON api and OHG affo (G Affe): 'an early Teutonic loan word, perhaps from Celtic' (Webster)-but from which C language, if indeed from any? Cf OSI oplco and Cz opice (Walshe). Perh rather cf Eg alifi, a hideous man-and gafi, gef, an ape.
Applaud, applause. See PLAUDIT, para 2. apple: ME appel, eppel: OE aeppel, aepl, akin to OFris appel, OS appul, OHG apful (MHG-G apfe/); to ON eple, epli; to OIr aball, Mlr uball, ubull, OW aballen, Ga ubhal, Cor aval(/) or avell, Dr aval, Manx ooyl; to OSI abliiko (or jablako) and Lith obuo/as; prob also to LAbella (malifera, rich in apples: Virgil) in Campania. Indeed, Abella may well constitute the origin of this European word. The var Auella, ML Avella (the sole modern form), accounts for the E adj avellan, from L auellana, ML aVo, the filbert, elliptical for nux auellana, nut of Abella.
Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (4th Edition) by Eric Partridge
by George