By David Bordwell
ISBN-10: 0691008221
ISBN-13: 9780691008226
Over the past twenty years, Yasujiro Ozu has received foreign acceptance as a tremendous filmmaker. Combining biographical info with discussions of the films' aesthetic options and cultural importance, David Bordwell questions the preferred photograph of Ozu because the conventional eastern artisan and examines the cultured nature and features of his cinema.
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After visiting the local sights, which may, in fact, consist of nothing more strenuous than bathing in the resort’s natural hot springs, you return to your room to find a fresh futon rolled out for you directly on the tatami mat floor. The fragrance of the straw mats and the crisp mountain air, not to mention the saké you sipped at dinner, may well induce the best sleep you have had in a long time. If you are inclined to re-create such bliss in your own home, remember that futon must be stored away during the day to allow the tatami flooring to breathe and they should be aired in the sun regularly.
JAPAN HOME Right Lacquer on this wooden veranda in Akita, a part of Japan that receives heavy snowfall, shields it from the elements. The transom along the edge of the overhang further protects it. The way the posts and transom frame the garden is reminiscent of Japanese folding screen paintings. 41 Above The wooden engawa acts as an intermediate space between the house and garden. Sliding shoji panels enclose and protect the interior tatami rooms. SPACES IN FL A JEXIBL APANESE E SPAC HOEU S SE I N A/ JA n aPA m eNoE fSEFEAt H OuME re 42 JAPAN HOME 43 Left This veranda, made of bam- boo poles, frames the view of a large water basin arrangement.
Below Shoji panels slide back to reveal sliding glass doors and a view of the garden at this Kyoto home. The veranda allows one to enjoy the garden from the shade of the eaves. JAPAN HOME Right Lacquer on this wooden veranda in Akita, a part of Japan that receives heavy snowfall, shields it from the elements. The transom along the edge of the overhang further protects it. The way the posts and transom frame the garden is reminiscent of Japanese folding screen paintings. 41 Above The wooden engawa acts as an intermediate space between the house and garden.
Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema by David Bordwell
by Richard