By M. Stoytcheva
ISBN-10: 9533074582
ISBN-13: 9789533074580
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3 Pests assessment on turnips On the turnips we identified six (6) Orders making a total of 34 insect’s families. They are: 7 families of Beetles, 9 families of Hymenopterans, 8 families of Dipterans, 4 families of Hemiptera, 4 families of Lepidoptera and 2 families of Orthoptera. 91 % of these families were present on the untreated plots whereas 62 % were on the treated plot (spray plot) with Deltamethrin (Tabl 6, 7, 8,). THE COLEOPTERA ORDER FAMILIES RELATION Coccinellidae Buprestidae Carabidae Hydrophilidae Staphylinidae Cicindelidae Chrysomelidae T P T P T T P ( - ) = Absent (+) = Present Treated Plots Areas Grounds Traps Traps + + + + + + - Untreated Plots Areas Grounds Traps Traps + + + + + + + + P = Pest insects T = Non -Target Insects N = Neutrals Table 6.
Fig. 1. Experimental Plots with air and ground traps All these traps contain some soapy water which captures insects. The harvest of the grips is made every two days with change of the trapping liquid. Insects are kept in glass jars containing some alcohol (70 degrees) before being sent to the laboratory. The ground is raised to form wide mounds or ground trays of 10 meters long by 1, 5 meters wide Blocks. Every Block is formed by two plots of land or beds of 5 meters by 1, 5 meters each (see Fig1,).
5 Irrigated water monitoring We sowed under the fume hood raw water of boring in the Petri glass, on culture medium sterilized. The analysis consisted of identifying thermotolerant Coliform and fecal Streptococci and counting of the colonies of red or pink coloring of 2 to 3 millimeters (mm) in diameter. The criterion of assessment is fixed to 2x103. 3. 1 Pests assessment on lettuces The trapping on the level of lettuces allowed the identification of six (6) Orders grouping together in total forty two (42) families of insects.
Pesticides in the Modern World - Risks and Benefits by M. Stoytcheva
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